20 research outputs found

    Orientational Harmonic Model for Illusory Boundary Formation in Biological Vision

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    An extension to the Boundary Contour System model is proposed to account for boundary completion through vertices with arbitrary numbers of orientations, in a manner consistent with psychophysical observartions, by way of harmonic resonance in a neural architecture

    Conjunctive Chain Modification to the Boundary Contour System Neural Vision Model

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    The Boundary Contour System neural vision model reproduces perceptual illusory boundary formation by a conjunctive boundary completion process within a large cellular receptive field. The conjunctive chain allows the same kind of conjunction to occur across multiple receptive fields, which allows for sharper, more flexible boundary completion

    A Gestalt Bubble Model of Visuosptial Perception

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    A neural network model is presented to account for the three dimensional perception of visual space by way of an analog Gestalt-like perceptual mechanism

    Orientational Harmonic Model for Rotation, Translation, and Scale Invariant Pattern Representation in Biological Vision

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    An extension to the orientational harmonic model is presented as a rotation, translation, and scale invariant representation of geometrical form in biological vision

    XBATTLE: A Dynamic Distributed Model of Generalized Military Conflict

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    A dynamic distributed model is presented that reproduces the dynamics of a wide range of varied battle scenarios with a general and abstract representation. The model illustrates the rich dynamic behavior that can be achieved from a simple generic model

    Multi Resonant Boundary Contour System

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    withdrawn 2017 hrs ehra ecas aphrs solaece expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation

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